I've always been a night owl. That's when I do my best thinking. Things just seem to come to me after 8pm, and the later it is the better and easier. That's why I have post-its lying around everywhere. Some people use tape recorders, I can't stand the sound of my own voice so I have post-its. That's the premise for the following, written about 1.30am. It kind of woke me up.
a sideways dance
whose partners have lost the way
Blinded by feelings,
but feeling so strongly
no other direction but forward
I can but obey.
And kneeling down
am greeted with silence
and empty faces
Hold poverty to the Soul
and laugh
and scorn
and reason not
Reason is consumed in passion
and passion
Delivers us blind
and leads me
to my own slaughter at my own hands
It would be better to be alone,
but primal striving never ceasing leads me
onward toward you
Never ending struggle
never ending pain
all acceptable
but silent confusion
leaves me here
cold, Alone
and without."
1.30am 4/13/07
Dé Sathairn, Aibreán 14, 2007
Words in the Night...
Dé hAoine, Aibreán 13, 2007
signifying nothing...
when you really get down to it, you can either laugh or you can cry. I've never really liked to cry...I guess that's why everything ends up as a joke to me.
Dé Luain, Aibreán 09, 2007
Awe, isn't that cute...
At lunch today I witnessed something that really interests me. I sat across the way from a middle aged guy with two kids, one not more than six months old, with him. When he went to leave, the waitress told him that she wouldn't charge him for his oldest child's meal. It was interesting to me to see all this take place. The single man with kids is the true enigma of the modern age. I would really question anyone who would look at a man like that and wonder about the situation that he was in, how he got to that point, and not feel sorry for him. Now I am assuming, and most likely wrongly, that the man that I saw was single, but for the sake of curiosity I let myself run with it. We say we're moving past the old stereotypes, but I think if we're truly honest with ourselves we would acknowledge that we aren't. For instance, if it had been a single women, with those two kids what would your true reaction be? Especially when the baby started crying? Would you truly be sympathetic or would your guy reaction be something more like, "if she had only..." As I sat there and watched it all pan out I really started wonder about my reactions. I wondered about how society still reacts to the old faux paux (please don't correct my French...unless you're French, then by all means please correct me) we support it on t.v., but in the end we deplore the outcome.
If you really think about it we react completely different to a single man with a child then we would to a single women with a child. Now of course I see it differently, and you'd expect for me to see it differently. I'm still single and still hold on to the lone wolf, alfa male mentality that I've grown accustom to, and even though I say I want kids it's normally expressed as "some day" and certainly not right now. The thing is that that is still a very common perception of a guy, and so to see one of us single and with kids you start to assume the worst. It's out of the norm, women are immediately attached to a man with kids. That's something I completely don't understand. I'm sure it's thoughts of family, and the idea that it's less painful to just marry a man with kids, and possibly a bit of sympathy for the man. Mean while every other single guy is keeping his distance, afraid that it might be some disease that we could catch. We see the single father and are afraid. We feel sorry for the guy. It's kind of like seeing an old dog, you feel sorry because he can't do the things he wants to do anymore.
Is it the same for single women? I've always assumed that it was. Actually I believe that it's worse for single women. Guys certainly are biased against them, historically anyway and even now. I don't really have a direction for this post. It was simply a series of thought I had at lunch and will subsequently be forgotten tomorrow. I just think it strange that in this thoroughly modern world that we profess to be living in that this basic definition between the sexes still stands so strongly. Just curious...
Déardaoin, Aibreán 05, 2007
no title...
I'm going to do this here because I need to prepare for tomorrow.
"And the Spirit of the LORD is upon me,Christ's mission here on Earth. That's it.
Because He has anointed me
to preach gospel to the poor.
He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captivities
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."
Luke 4: 18-19
Two points:
"To bind up the broken hearted"
John 19: 25-27
"Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son," and to the disciple, "Here is your mother." From that time on, this disciple took her into his home."
Christ came to Earth to heal the brokenness caused by sin, but we would be amiss to believe that his only thought was of wholeness for our souls. Brokenness and separation cause pain, and Christ knew that those who love him were watching him die on the cross. He knew that he was leaving, and that their were obligations still that needed taking care of. When Christ looked down, he saw the women that nursed him has a child, held him when he cried, raised him, and loved him even to the end. He loved Mary, his mother, and knew that she needed to be taken care of. Even in a time of greatest pain Christ thought were on the welfare of others. Even on the cross, He sought to heal the hurt he knew his death would cause.
"To release the oppressed."
Matt. 27: 50-53
"And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus' resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many people."
Freedom from oppression. We've looked at some of the many things that oppress us, we've seen how Christ frees us from oppression, but here we see a final act of release. When sin was introduced into the world, God made a way for us to become close to him, to release the sin from our lives. God set in motion a system of sacrifice, a religion, but no matter how much blood we spilt we would never be able to become close to God. So God became close to us. He came down and presented himself as one last blood sacrifice. With the sacrifice complete there was no longer a need for the rules and legality of religion. We were free to accept Christ as our sacrifice and come and meet God face to face. In the temple the curtain separated the inner temple from the Holy of Holies. It was the Law that only one priest could enter the Holy of Holies, the place where God was said to dwell, but at the death of Christ God ripped the curtain in two from top to bottom so that there would be no doubt. Now there would nothing that kept man from God, but man.